June 2021: Camping

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With Memorial Day behind us and schools letting out for the summer, families are heading for parks and campgrounds for some quality time in the great outdoors. Spending the night or weekend away can be a little too exciting for eager children, making it hard to remember safety rules. Before leaving the house, set a few ground rules, and remind everyone of the expectations once the tent is staked down and the adventures are ready to begin. Here are a few basic campsite rules to get you started:

  • Respect the boundaries at the campsite. Even something as simple as a nearby tree or picnic table can be a good indicator of the range where children are allowed to play.

  • Stay away from the fire pit. Children need to be supervised when the campfire is lit and should know basic fire safety, like how to stop, drop, and roll, in case of an emergency.

  • An adult needs to be watching when kids are in or around the water. If camping near a river, lake, or stream, children should never be near or in water without an adult nearby and supervising.

  • Use the buddy system. Remind children to stay together on trails and around the campgrounds and always get permission before leaving the campsite.

For more tips on keeping the family safe while camping,visit this page from Seattle Children's Hospital.

Take Action

Every month, we are promoting a new action that each family can take to keep their children safer. This month, we want every family to give their camping itinerary to an emergency contact that will not be going on the trip. Giving them your travel plans, including the dates, times, and routes of your trip can be life-saving in the event of an emergency.

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Follow along every month for a new action, and share with us how you're preventing child injury in your home!

Coming Up

On Our Twitter Calendar
May 31 - June 6: National Safety Month
June 7 - 13: Home Safety Month
June 14 - 20: ATV Safety
June 21 - 27: Hydration Safety
June 28 - July 4: Fireworks Safety Month


Training: Summer Media Institute (Media 101, Media 201, Social Media)
Hosted by: Center for Injury Research and Policy at Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Date/Time: July 13 - 15

The Center for Injury Research and Policy at Nationwide Children’s Hospital is hosting a Summer Media Institute consisting of three online workshops for public health professionals . Trainings include:

·     Media 101: Beginner’s Guide to Working with the Media

·     Media 201: Mastering Your Messaging and Owning Your Interview

·     Social Media: Public Health in the Digital Age  

Each training is a one-day, four-hour online workshop. Discounts are available for attending multiple trainings. Up tp 10 CHES credits available. Click here for details and to register. Space is limited, so we encourage you to register now. Please emailLaura.Dattner@NationwideChildrens.org with any questions.